Ad fraud is a growing issue in the digital advertising industry, estimated to cost advertisers billions worldwide. One way fraudsters carry out ad fraud is by using outdated browser versions and their corresponding user agents.

An outdated browser version is one that has not been updated with the latest security patches and fixes. These older versions may contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. User agents are strings of text sent by a browser to a website, identifying the browser and its version. By using an outdated browser version user agent, a fraudster can trick a website into thinking they are using an older, vulnerable browser. This allows them to gain access to older systems and exploit older vulnerabilities.

Click Fraud

One common form of ad fraud using outdated browser versions is click fraud. This is when fraudsters use bots or automated scripts to simulate clicks on ads. By using an outdated browser version user agent, they can bypass security measures and fraudulently generate clicks and impressions on ads. This results in the advertiser paying for fake traffic and impressions, leading to a loss of revenue.

Ad Stacking

Another form of ad fraud using outdated browser versions is ad stacking. This is when fraudsters use multiple instances of an outdated browser version to stack multiple ads on top of each other. This results in the advertiser paying for multiple impressions and clicks, even though the user only sees one ad.

Advertisers can take steps to protect themselves from ad fraud using outdated browser versions. They can use fraud detection tools and services that use machine learning and AI to detect and prevent ad fraud. They can also implement security measures such as secure browser user agent strings and browser fingerprinting to identify and prevent fraudulent activity.

As the digital landscape evolves, so must our approach to ad fraud. It’s crucial that we stay vigilant and proactive in our efforts to combat this deceitful practice. Only then can we ensure that digital advertising remains a valuable and effective tool for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience.